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Summer Tanager in the Sunlight Photograph by Debra Martz

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Comments (46)

Artfordable Art

Artfordable Art

nicely done!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Beautiful artwork.

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Joy Watson

Joy Watson

Great work

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!



Great capture!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Marv Vandehey

Marv Vandehey


Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Jim Love

Jim Love

Exceptional capture of the light...

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you so much!

Sharon Mroz Hopek

Sharon Mroz Hopek

Nice picture, have never seen a Tanager

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you. This is the female, males are vibrant red!

Linda Brody

Linda Brody


Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thank you all very much for your comments, like and/or faves! I appreciate each and every one! ~♥~

Bob Cuthbert

Bob Cuthbert

Beautiful isolation

Karin McCombe Jones

Karin McCombe Jones

cute little bird

Lisa Bell

Lisa Bell

wonderful capture, beautiful capture

Stuart Litoff

Stuart Litoff


Rebecca Wang

Rebecca Wang

How cute!

Jennifer White

Jennifer White

Great shot and detail!

Dora Hathazi Mendes

Dora Hathazi Mendes


Roberta Byram

Roberta Byram

Sunning himself and loving it!

Joan Stratton

Joan Stratton

Great capture :)

Fei A

Fei A

Beautifully captured ! v.f.l

Judy Vincent

Judy Vincent

Beautiful capture!

Chance Kafka

Chance Kafka

a beautiful portrait of this little bird.

Steve Henderson

Steve Henderson

A most beautiful and elegant bird, in a bright and quiet setting.

Joe Schofield

Joe Schofield

Stunning clarity!

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Summer Tanager in the Sunlight by Debra Martz
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