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Hummingbird Moth and Pink Snapdragons Photograph by Debra Martz

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Comments (74)

Steve Rich

Steve Rich 23 Days Ago

Nice work Debra

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten 23 Days Ago

So beautiful

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Robyn King

Robyn King

Fabulous image so lovely Debra♥

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Pat Goltz

Pat Goltz

Wonderful capture. You are blessed to have so many hummingbird moths!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Renata Natale

Renata Natale

Wonderful collection, love this one.

Debra Martz replied:

Thanks so much!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thank you all very much for your comments! ~♥~

Anas Afash

Anas Afash

Gorgeous image ... L.F

Tim Reagan

Tim Reagan


Antonis Meintanis

Antonis Meintanis

Wonderful...Great capture !! very beautiful colours and details !! 👍 👌Best Wishes !👌fav👌

Brian Baker

Brian Baker


Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Beautiful. l/f

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten


Allison Griffin

Allison Griffin

stunning Moth photograph, Debra! Love the color coordinating look of the moth and the flowers. Just perfection!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you very much!

Delores Malcomson

Delores Malcomson

Very beautiful! Amazing capture!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you so much!

Anita Pollak

Anita Pollak

What a stunningly beautiful capture - that color is amazing! F

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you very much!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular Hummingbird Moth and Pink Snapdragons composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! Congratulations on your well deserved Special Feature of the Week! F/L

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you very much!

Alida M Haslett

Alida M Haslett

I love these happy little creatures! wonderful capture, Debra- and congrats for your Special Artist of the Week! L/F

Debra Martz replied:

I do, too! Always excited to see them! Thank you very much!

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

that sure is a pretty moth. L/F

Debra Martz replied:

I agree

Rick Ulmer

Rick Ulmer

Gorgeous photo Debra, I would like to see one someday.

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you very much! I hope you do.

Harriet Feagin Photography

Harriet Feagin Photography

Lovely work.

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Robert Tubesing

Robert Tubesing

Stunningly beautiful. Following on FAA.

Debra Martz replied:

Thanks so much!

Nicklas Gustafsson

Nicklas Gustafsson

What a beautiful capture!

Debra Martz replied:

Thanks so much!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Frozen in Time Photography, Thank you very much for the feature in your Fine Art America group!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Johanna Hurmerinta, Thank you very much for the feature in your Fine Art America group, Five Star Artist!

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Hummingbird Moth and Pink Snapdragons by Debra Martz
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