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Horseshoe Bend - Arizona - Vertical No1 Photograph by Debra Martz

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Comments (100)

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thank you all very much for your kind comments ~♥~

Harriet Feagin

Harriet Feagin

Nice vertical image of this iconic scene.

Arlane Crump

Arlane Crump

Wow! What a view!

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Lovely. L/F

Renata Natale

Renata Natale

Gorgeous capture of this landscape

Denise Harty

Denise Harty

An amazing shot...so close to the edge! L/F

Tom Halseth

Tom Halseth

Nice work

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten


Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

very nice photo. L/F

Jim Love

Jim Love


Joseph Hawk

Joseph Hawk

I quite enjoy your perspective/framing of this location. Makes me want to go there!!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you very much! It's definitely worth seeing in person!

Alana Ranney

Alana Ranney


Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta


Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thanks so much!

Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Congrats on your great sale!

Toni Abdnour

Toni Abdnour

Congratulations on your sale, Debra!

Patricia Hofmeester

Patricia Hofmeester

Congrats, Debra!

Julieanne Case

Julieanne Case

Congrats on your sale!

Mesa Teresita

Mesa Teresita


Sandra Clark

Sandra Clark


Carol McGrath

Carol McGrath

Congrats on your sale!

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Congratulations on your sale!

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Horseshoe Bend - Arizona - Vertical No1 by Debra Martz
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