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Endless Summer Blue Hydrangea Vertical  Photograph by Debra Martz

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Comments (76)

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thank you all very much for your comments, like and/or faves! ~♥~

Jim Love

Jim Love

Perfect beauty...

Joe Schofield

Joe Schofield

Lovely !

Joan Stratton

Joan Stratton

Great work :)

Paul Thompson

Paul Thompson

Amazing Work! L/F

Kathi Isserman

Kathi Isserman

Lovely bouquet

Lingfai Leung

Lingfai Leung

Blue is beautiful

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thank you all very much for your comments, like and/or faves! ~♥~

Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Beautiful blue hydrangea! l/f/pin

David Beard

David Beard

Wonderful colors and textures!

Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

sharing on FB

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Beautiful. l/F

Marcia Lee Jones

Marcia Lee Jones

Lovely work!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Toni Saddler-French

Toni Saddler-French

Beautiful capture

Debra Martz replied:

Thanks so much!

Jatinkumar Thakkar

Jatinkumar Thakkar


Debra Martz replied:

Thanks so much!

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Beautiful flower work, Debra!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you, Jurgen!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Jasna Dragun, Thank you very much for the feature in your Fine Art America group, Global Flower Photography!

Michelle Meenawong

Michelle Meenawong

very beautiful Debra l/f/t

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Rob Hemphill

Rob Hemphill

Beautiful capture!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

Beautiful colours and details on Endless Summer Blue Hydrangea Vertical Debra

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!!

Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Beautiful hydrangea. l/f/pin

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you so much!

Toni Hopper

Toni Hopper

Congratulations on your sale!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!! And I appreciate you featuring this image in your Fine Art America group, Women Photographers!!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thank you all very much for your comments, like and/or faves! I appreciate each and every one! ~♥~

Carol Japp

Carol Japp

Gorgeous!!! l/f/pin

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Endless Summer Blue Hydrangea Vertical  by Debra Martz
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