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Bird Blind at Frontera Audubon Photograph by Debra Martz

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Comments (57)

Judy Vincent

Judy Vincent

Great find and capture!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your sale, Debra!

Delores Malcomson

Delores Malcomson

Congratulations Debra!

Judy Jones

Judy Jones


Eddie Barron

Eddie Barron

Congratulations Debra.

Guido Montanes Castillo

Guido Montanes Castillo

Congratulations on your sale!

Jamie Pham

Jamie Pham


Bill Gallagher

Bill Gallagher


Terry Davis

Terry Davis

Marvelous image, congratulations on your sale!

Linda Brody

Linda Brody


Teresa Zieba

Teresa Zieba


Phyllis Taylor

Phyllis Taylor

Congratulations on your sale!

Stuart Litoff

Stuart Litoff

Congrats on your sale, Debra!

John Trommer

John Trommer


Terri Waters

Terri Waters

A well deserved sale Debra

Debbie Oppermann

Debbie Oppermann

Congrats on your sale!

Jan Mulherin

Jan Mulherin

Congratulations on your sale!

Bukunolami Olamilokun

Bukunolami Olamilokun

Congratulations Debra !

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

congrats on your wonderful sale!

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Thank you to the buyer from Largo, FL for the purchase of a 36x24 print!! Truly appreciated!!

Alana Thrower

Alana Thrower

Congratulations on your sale!

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Lena  Owens OLena Art

Lena Owens OLena Art

So nice, Debra ;-)

Debra Martz replied:

Thank you!

Mona Stut

Mona Stut

Very beautiful work

Jan Dappen

Jan Dappen

terrific find and presentation

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Great find and capture. L

Recently Viewed

Bird Blind at Frontera Audubon by Debra Martz
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